We hope you have enjoyed your visit to the Museum of North Craven Life and The Folly, either in person or on our website. The trust (charity) that looks after the Museum and the Folly also does other building preservation work in North Craven. If you have enjoyed your visit to the Museum, the Folly, or the Trust and would like to support its work, any donation, however small, will be very welcome and appreciated.
In Person
If you visit the museum in person there is a collection box on the stairs.
Cheque & postal donation
Cheques should be made payable to "North Craven Building Preservation
Trust" and sent to:
The Treasurer, NCBPT,
6 Chapel St, Settle, N Yorkshire, BD24 9HS
If you are a UK taxpayer and can make your donation under the Gift Aid scheme, please download (click on the link below) and fill in the Gift Aid form and send it with your cheque: this will add 28p to every pound you donate.
Download Gift Aid form (PDF)
Thank you!