Latest news (pdf) (January 2013)
The Folly Divided
Mr Philip Dawson was the only member of the family in modern times to live in The Folly. Having restored the roof and leaded windows, he sold it in 1983 to an antique dealer. In 1990 it was sold to a developer who obtained planning permission to divide the house into two for retail and residential purposes. In 1996, the Hall and South Ranges were eventually purchased by the North Craven Building Preservation Trust through a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund, with the aim of opening Settle's only Grade I Listed Building to the public. After a major restoration it was opened as the Museum of North Craven Life by HRH The Prince of Wales on 17th December 2001. Since then The Folly has hosted regularly changing exhibitions and events for both visitors and the local community.
Reuniting The Folly
In February 2010 an opportunity arose for the Trust to purchase the North Range, supported by a loan from the Architectural Heritage Fund. The Trust was then able to reunite the two halves of The Folly and will open it in its entirety for all to enjoy, following restoration and refurbishment.
We Need Your Help To Raise £1.625 million
The Trust needs to raise £625,000 to repay the loans for the acquisition of the two parts of the building and a further £1 million to provide an Endowment Fund to generate a regular income for the vital maintenance of this Grade I building. The Trust receives no grants towards the operation and maintenance of The Folly which is operated by volunteers.
The Folly Appeal
We are delighted to announce that the Trust has already received a very generous anonymous gift of shares which is a wonderful start for The Appeal. We now invite the local community and interested groups and individuals further afield to help preserve The Folly for future generations. All donations large or small are welcome and will be gratefully acknowledged.
For full information: please see the Appeal leaflet (PDF, 0.8Mb)
Press items about the Appeal: please see News articles
The Trust's Plans for The Folly:
Funds are urgently needed:
Display boards from the 2011 exhibition describing: the Trust, the Museum: the History, the Plans, the Financing and Fund-raising, the Future
These additional display panels from the exhibition are available for viewing as a single eight-page file (PDF, 11Mb). They are also available in alternative formats in the 2011 Exhibitions page.
If you would like to support the appeal, you can donate in several ways
Please contact us for further details (address below) or if you would like us to contact you. Gift Aid can be used as applicable.
The Appeal Office, North Craven Building Preservation Trust, 6 Chapel St, Settle, North Yorkshire, BD24 9HS
Online donating
If you wish to donate online using a credit/debit card, you can do this via the link below which permits online donation in a safe and secure environment (provided by BT MyDonate Registration is not required, and no personal details are obligatory (unless you want to, or want to use GiftAid, available shortly). Some details will be necessary for the card transaction.
More information:
Last modified:
Saturday, 09-Mar-2013 16:05:58 GMT